Actor Ajay Devgn will soon be seen as a modern Chitragupt in director Indra Kumar’s upcoming film Thank God. In a special trailer released on Thursday, Ajay’s Chitragupt is seen delivering some entertaining lines as the life of Sidharth Malhotra’s Aayan hangs in the balance.
Ajay as the record-keeper of karma, Chritragupt, will weigh Sidharth’s good and bad deeds in this entertainer. Chitragupt has some interesting punch lines as well. There is even an indirect reference to Amitabh Bachchan and how he stole the format of his game show from heaven.
Ajay Devgn first appears in a mythological attire and then switches to a modern-day attire for Sidharth Malhotra’s better understanding. By the looks of it, it seems that Sidharth was not a very good human and hence the pot of his bad deeds is almost full. However, the trailer ends on an important note when Sidharth tells Ajay that he can’t laugh on the same joke repeatedly. To this, Ajay tells him, “If we won’t laugh at the same joke once, then why do we worry about the same problems all the time?”
While there have been many films which has dealt with the subject of afterlife evaluation of human deeds, Thank God seems to offer a modern take on the subject. The film also stars Rakul Preet Singh as Sidharth Malhotra’s wife Ruhi. A highlight of the film is the Hindi version of popular Sinhala song “Manike Mage Hithe”. The Hindi version titled “Manike” features Nora Fatehi.
Thank God is all set to release in theatres on October 25.