Akshay Kumar’s Sooryavanshi is all set to release in theatres on Diwali, November 5. However, fans can’t wait to watch the film and took to Twitter to nudge director Rohit Shetty to share any update of the film – a teaser, behind-the-scene pictures and videos or a song. They trended #WakeUpRohitShetty. Now, to be seen how soon he fulfils their wish.
A couple of days ago, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh invited fans to theatres to watch Sooryavanshi through a video. Now, fans can’t keep calm and want director Rohit Shetty to share something from the movie. They trended #WakeUpRohitShetty on Twitter and asked him to share anything, if not a song.
One fan wrote, “Only few days are left and no new poster, songs ,promos has released what the hell you are doing man WAKE UP ROHIT SHETTY (sic).”
After Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray declared that the state’s cinema halls will reopen from October 22, Akshay Kumar announced that his film, Sooryavanshi, will hit the theatres on Diwali. Sharing a photo with director Rohit Shetty and his co-actors Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn, Akshay wrote on Instagram, “So many families would be thanking Sh Uddhav Thackeray today! Grateful for allowing the reopening of cinema halls in Maharashtra from Oct 22. Ab kisi ke roke na rukegi – AA RAHI HAI POLICE #Sooryavanshi #Diwali2021 .”
Sooryavanshi is the fourth film in Rohit Shetty’s cop universe that kick-started with Ajay Devgn’s Singham in 2011. After Singham and Singham Returns, Ranveer Singh starred in Simmba. In Sooryavanshi, Katrina Kaif will play the lead role alongside Akshay.