The first full-length trailer of the highly anticipated film Shamshera is out now. Starring Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Vaani Kapoor and more, the film directed by Karan Malhotra is a period drama set in the 1800s. In Shamshera, Ranbir Kapoor plays a dacoit warrior in a double role. The plot revolves around a tribe of warriors who go up against British rule in India.
The trailer of Shamshera takes us back to the year 1871. In a voice-over, a legend about a man who led an uprising against the Britishers is narrated. We get shots of a rugged Ranbir Kapoor as Shamshera as he wields a battle-axe on a horse. We then get a look at Ranbir Kapoor in another avatar of a playful young man who is quite the crowd-pleaser. He’s dubbed as the “new Shamshera”. Between the dance sequences and sprawling landscape shots, the video also teases an intense clash between the commoners and the authorities as Sanjay Dutt’s Daroga Shuddh Singh arrives on the scene.
Watch The Trailer Here:
The film’s logline reads, “A father’s legacy. A son’s destiny,” teasing a multi-generational story.
From the clash between Ranbir Kapoor’s Shamshera and Sanjay Dutt’s Shuddh Singh in a battle arena to Vaani Kapoor’s magical look, the trailer is full of breathtaking visuals.
Shamshera arrives in cinemas on July 22 this year.