The sizzling trailer of KGF: Chapter 2, which was recently launched in Bengaluru, truly defined how the film is going to be the biggest blockbuster of all time. While the audience, especially the fans of rocking star Yash, are going gaga over the amazing cinematography, explosive action and unexpected direction, they could not stop praising the stellar performances by the cast including actors Sanjay Dutt and Raveena. Tandon.
No wonder the mega action entertainer has garnered over 109 million views across five languages by becoming the most-watched Indian trailer of all time in 24 hours.
Sharing the big news on social media, the producers proudly mentioned, “Records..Records..Records..Rocky doesn’t like it, he avoids, but Records likes Rocky! He can’t avoid it 109+ million views in 24 hours.”
Mega Trailer launch event hosted by Karan Johar proved to be a great success.
A truly vivid combination of a thrilling narrative, mind-bending action sequences, energizing soundtrack and scintillating performances, Chapter 1 broke all the records and expectations of Indian cinema. With the addition of Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon to its stellar cast, Chapter 2 is sure to surpass the earlier record held by KGF 1.
As we approach the release date of this mammoth entertainer, everyone is excited about the final show. With the recent trailer release giving yet another glimpse into the action packed film and amazing performances, the anticipation of the film has reached a peak.
The sizzling trailer of KGF: Chapter 2, which was recently launched in Bengaluru, truly defined how the film is going to be the biggest blockbuster of all time. While the audience, especially the fans of rocking star Yash, are going gaga over the amazing cinematography, explosive action and unexpected direction, they could not stop praising the stellar performances by the cast including actors Sanjay Dutt and Raveena. Tandon.
No wonder the mega action entertainer has garnered over 109 million views across five languages by becoming the most-watched Indian trailer of all time in 24 hours.
Sharing the big news on social media, the producers proudly mentioned, “Records..Records..Records..Rocky doesn’t like it, he avoids, but Records likes Rocky! He can’t avoid it 109+ million views in 24 hours.”
Mega Trailer launch event hosted by Karan Johar proved to be a great success.
A truly vivid combination of a thrilling narrative, mind-bending action sequences, energizing soundtrack and scintillating performances, Chapter 1 broke all the records and expectations of Indian cinema. With the addition of Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon to its stellar cast, Chapter 2 is sure to surpass the earlier record held by KGF 1.
As we approach the release date of this mammoth entertainer, everyone is excited about the final show. With the recent trailer release giving yet another glimpse into the action packed film and amazing performances, the anticipation of the film has reached a peak.